Subscribe To My Podcast - Praestabilis: Excellence in Marketing My name is Connie Ragen Green and I teach people just like you how to build a profitable online business and use the basic technology needed to get started in this fun and lucrative field. The first year (2006) was difficult for me online, and I ended up spending about ten thousand dollars and making almost no money. I vowed that my students would not have to struggle like I did. I have now been making my full-time income online … [Read More...]
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Especially for Entrepreneurs

Morning Inspiration for Productivity and Focus
Finding Your Morning Inspiration for Productivity and Focus You've probably toyed with the idea already. You've heard there are better ways to start your day and even considered how you might become more intentional in your mornings. At the same time, a morning routine can seem … [Read More...]

Calculated Risk for Success
The Price of Success is Calculated Risk Taking risks is unavoidable if you want to achieve anything significant. Yet so many people let fear of failure, wasted effort, or lost money keep them trapped in a cycle of hesitation. The dream requires courage and calculated risk is … [Read More...]
Earning Online

Leverage AI to Improve Your Marketing
Leverage AI to Improve Marketing and Grow Your Business Exponentially Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to leverage AI to improve your marketing efforts, I want to discuss how important the AI industry is and why it’s imperative that you … [Read More...]

EFT: Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Psychology
Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Psychology Makes Sense Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has emerged as a powerful and versatile therapeutic approach that bridges ancient wisdom with modern psychology. EFT... bridging ancient wisdom is a path … [Read More...]
Manifest Your Dream Life by Changing Your Mindset
Manifesting Mindset: Change Your Mindset to Manifest Your Dream Life What if I told you that living your dream life, the one you have always fantasized about, no matter how “unrealistic” it seems – is possible? It's true... You can manifest your … [Read More...]

Digital Product Income with Artificial Intelligence
Digital Product Income with AI (Artificial Intelligence) Imagine living in a world where your dreams aren't confined by the ticking of a clock or limited by a lack of resources. The good news is, the lifestyle and financial freedom you desire is not … [Read More...]

List Building with Email Marketing
List Building with Email Marketing Rules! One of the biggest challenges new list builders face is figuring out what to send their subscribers after they sign up. You may have an idea for some ongoing content, maybe a weekly or monthly newsletter. … [Read More...]

How to Write Prolifically
How Prolific Writers Write Every Day and Still Have a Life Do you yearn to learn how to write prolifically, while still living each day to the fullest? Have you ever wondered why some people get so much done? It seems that the more they have … [Read More...]
Habits or Routines… Which Do You Need?
Habits or Routines to Be More Productive and Intentional As I am writing this post it is Wednesday, October 30th, in the year 2024 and there are only 61 days remaining in this year. This got me to thinking about how we can all be a lot more … [Read More...]

Product Creation: Annoying Hiccups and Discouraging Bumps
What to Do When You Encounter Annoying Hiccups and Discouraging Bumps This is a guest post from Ruth Anita Foote... One step in front of the other. Focus. One step in front of the other. Focus. One step... The successful path to info product … [Read More...]
Secrets to Choosing Profitable Affiliate Products
Choosing Profitable Affiliate Products for Maximum Income! There are several different types of online business models but affiliate marketing is one of the simplest. Learning the secrets of choosing profitable affiliate products is where you need … [Read More...]
Starting a Side Hustle
Starting a Side Hustle for Additional and Passive Income The concept of starting a side hustle is something that has gained momentum over the past several years. Not only have the traditional offline gigs been a natural draw, but now, people are … [Read More...]
Empowerment by Blogging
How Blogging Empowers You to the Greatness Within When I started my first blog, I was still working as a classroom teacher. We had a science fair coming up, and I was looking for a way to help my students embrace technology - this was 2005 and even … [Read More...]

Blog Profits for New Entrepreneurs
A Proven System for Massive Blog Profits Blogging offers incredible potential to turn a passion into a profitable venture. Many people are drawn to the idea of starting a blog, but achieving significant income requires more than just writing about … [Read More...]

Starting a Visualization Practice
How To Start A Visualization Practice Visualization is a powerful mental practice that involves creating vivid and detailed images in your mind of the future you desire. By engaging your imagination and cognitive processes, you can turn abstract … [Read More...]

Hemingway Writing Rules for Artificial Intelligence
Hemingway Writing Rules for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Make Sense Have you ever wished that all the content you’re creating as a niche leader would have a bigger impact than just some search engine optimization (SEO) benefits and conversions? This … [Read More...]

Old School Business Practices
Old School Business Practices Make Cents... Dollars and Sense Some Business Practices Never Go Out of Style Life is ever-evolving and with it the way we do things. In business being relevant is crucial, but sometimes tried-and-true concepts are … [Read More...]
Learn More!
Do You Really Need An Email List? Let’s talk about list building, or more specifically why you need to build a list in the first place. It doesn't matter what form your online presence takes - be … [Read More...]
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Make Money Online People who are starting a career as an online entrepreneur always want to know about the fastest shortcuts, or the easiest way to work so that they … [Read More...]

The Role Of Mentorship In Personal And Professional Development Whether you're trying to develop on a personal level or a professional level, there is value in embracing the guidance of a mentor. If … [Read More...]

Voice of Influence: Project Confidence and Authority with Public Speaking The most confident person can still have difficulties speaking in public. The same is true if you are giving a … [Read More...]

What is Servant Leadership and How Does it Benefit Entrepreneurs? A dictionary definition of leadership describes it as the action or process of leading or influencing an individual or individuals to … [Read More...]
Strategies for Taking Action When You Don't Feel Like It How often do you wake up ready to take over the world but something happens, and you quit altogether? Perhaps you get sleepy and decide to … [Read More...]

Productivity... Challenge Yourself and Up Your Game! Productivity and time management are topics I never thought I’d be known for during my lifetime. Yet, not long after coming online I realized that … [Read More...]

You Deserve More Time Off! Time off, whether it be from work or other responsibilities is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Taking time off for yourself or decompressing with people you … [Read More...]
Lead Magnets with AI List Building Building a list is an exciting part of the online marketing journey as an entrepreneur. You’re reaching people who have determined that they want to hear more from … [Read More...]

Creating Your Marketing Newsletter I've created this post as a mini-training for you to begin creating your marketing newsletter. Here, you'll learn the necessary skills and knowledge to create … [Read More...]

Unlocking the Power of Deep Work It's an intriguing concept that can have a profound impact on productivity and overall well-being. What I'm sharing here is nothing short of a comprehensive guide to … [Read More...]

Side Hustles: Why Content Creation is So Important If you're thinking that side hustles for writers is not for you, please think again. When I got started online in 2006 I thought of myself as a … [Read More...]

Creating Blog Posts with Visual Appeal You may be wondering why blog posts with visual appeal are important. If you are writing content that covers your topics satisfactorily and your readers are … [Read More...]
Digital or Affiliate... Vendor Versus Affiliate Models For many newbies who have been sitting on the sidelines figuring out which direction to go when starting an online entrepreneurial career, the … [Read More...]

Senior Marketers: AI Will Save Time and Money Over the years, the online marketing industry has swelled with seniors hoping to start and grow a business of their own. With that goal comes a lot of … [Read More...]

Online Marketing Success Plan... 10 Concepts to Make This Work for You “Do for a year what others won’t; live, forever the way others can’t.” ~ Connie Ragen Green What follows here is a stream of … [Read More...]

Becoming a Successful Warrior Plus Member Warrior Plus is one of the top marketing platforms for digital vendors and affiliates, but for newbies, it can seem intimidating if you don’t know how to … [Read More...]

Optimizing Your Site for SGE - Search Generative Experience First of all, what is the Google search generative experience... And why is this important to your online business and future? It's an … [Read More...]

The Risks and Consequences of Uniform Marketing Strategies The idea of a “one size fits all” tactic when it comes to marketing is an incredibly common misconception and one that creates serious … [Read More...]
Imperfection in Life and Business is a Given I learned early on that life is far from perfect. It's filled with highs, lows, twists, turns, and uncertainties. There's imperfection in life and … [Read More...]
The Power of Quarterly Planning for Your Business Imagine stepping into a new year with clarity, focus, and a strategic plan that sets you up for success. This isn’t just a wishful thinking scenario … [Read More...]

Strategies for Understanding Your Audience Better There is no getting around it... Understanding your audience is at the forefront of developing, creating, and publishing the right content. When you … [Read More...]

Turn Your Story into Leads and Potential Customers Think about all the emails and sales pages you’ve seen just in this last week, touting a new class, product, or service. Very often marketers will … [Read More...]

Roadmap: Actionable Steps for Online Marketers Whether the new year is just around the corner, or it's halfway through the year and you're feeling inspired, you may feel the slight tinge of … [Read More...]

Why a Positive Customer Experience is Crucial to Marketing Success Believe it or not, customer service and marketing are not two separate entities. If you think they are, you're making a huge … [Read More...]

Using a Planner to Stay Organized is Your Key to Success Many of us don't have a plan for our lives. Instead, we deal with life one day at a time and this can be very chaotic and stressful. Using a … [Read More...]