Sometimes we make a business decision purely for selfish reasons, only to find out later on that there were lessons for us to learn in the process. At the first of this year – 2012 – I made the commitment to publish a Weekly Podcast Series throughout the entire year. This meant that I had to find fifty people who would agree to be interviewed for my program of Internet marketing podcasts. I will admit that at first I made the decision to host this series strictly for the possibility of driving additional traffic to my site, but soon I realized that it would be very good for my overall visibility as well.
The first month was easy for me; I simply called my friends and asked them if we could do a thirty minute call for my new podcast series. People such as Marlon Sanders, Kathleen Gage, Jason Fladlien, Pat O’Bryan, and Dr. Jeanette Cates were more than happy to help me out. Then the hard work began as I had to make a list of who I knew that would be of interest to my audience.
Even though I am an introvert (yes, this is true) I had to step way out of my comfort zone to connect with people to fill my open slots. All of my insecurities and self doubts came up as I reached out to business associates and colleagues. And, one by one, almost all of them agreed to be on my calls.
I have learned many lessons from this, and will continue to grow and learn throughout the remainder of my life. I’ve learned that people truly want to help us and see us succeed, and that we must extend our hand if we wish to be acknowledged. I have also learned that I have much more in common with other online entrepreneurs than I ever realized. We are all working from home, or from wherever we happen to be, and need to be in contact more often. Attending live events is one of the best ways to do this, but even though I attend an event almost each month it will never be often enough.
Instead, becoming more active in forums has been an excellent way for me to connect with others and build relationships. I can go into the NAMS forum at almost any hour of the day or night and have someone to bounce ideas off of. Also, being a part of a Mastermind group makes me feel like I belong and have others to guide me.
Please subscribe to my Podcast Series and listen to the calls I am doing each week. I promise that you will learn many things, be made aware of new and innovative strategies, and feel connected to many of my guests as I work my way through the top online marketers for 2012.
Looking forward to meeting you this weekend at NAMS.