Article marketing has been a big part of building my online business over the past two and a half years. As I began to earn more money with Adwords than with articles, I found that I was writing fewer articles. Because I am so proud of the fact that we are able to publish our own writing online, I wanted to challenge myself one last time to write articles during a specific period of time.
Last year I decided that I would write 1000 articles in 1000 days. I had already written 100 articles in 100 days (it only took me 78 days!), so I set my sights on a loftier goal. Please watch me over the next week as I will hit 1000 articles in about 820 days. You can track my progress at Articles By Connie. This should serve as motivation to those of you who feel like it is impossible to write so much in this period of time. If I can do it, you can do it!
After I reach 1000 articles I will begin to write fewer articles and share more with you about Google’s Adwords program. I am just starting to teach my students how I use Adwords to make income online, and I will post about what we are doing on this site. Stay tuned for great things to come.
Hi Connie,
CONGRATULATIONS! I was just writing a blog post about activity vs accomplishment.
Many business owners spend lots of time being “active” without actually accomplishing anything for all their efforts.
I love seeing you constantly accomplish new things — CONGRATS on your latest achievement!