It seems like the past 30 days just flew by, and we are once again at the end of a 30 day blogging challenge. This is the most successful challenge I have ever hosted. I would now like to introduce you to the 50 people who were dedicated and committed enough to post to their blog 30 times during the past 30 days. I have included their name on Twitter (I’m @conniegreen), as well as a link to their blog.
Andrew Poletto @AndrewPoletto
Annette Nack @AnnetteNack
April M Williams @AprilMWilliams
Bobbye Middendor @bobbyemiddendor
Bruce Hoag @DrBruceHoag
Dale Anderson @DaleAnderson
David D Wilson @DavidDWilson
Deb Augur @mywebgal
Doc Meek @DocMeek
Donna Blevins @Donna_Blevins
Doreen Richmond @DRichmond
D’vorah Lansky @marketingwizard
Evelyn Roberts Brooks @EvelynBrooks
Geoff Hoff @GeoffHoff
Gwen A Tanner @GwenATanner
Heather Bestel @HeatherBestel
Helen Raptoplous @HelenRappy
Ingrid Dinter @IngridDinter
Jacqueline Sinfield @JSinfield
Janet Eisenbise @JanetEisenbise
Jeanette Cates @JeanetteCates
Jeanine Byers @JeanineByers
Jeanne Kolenda @JeanneKolenda
Joyce Hansen @JoyceHansen
Karen Wehrle @kww48
Kazi @50andfit
Kristin Hatch @kghat
Kristina vonR @KristinavonR
Kwin Black @eat2live411
Linda Nuyts @LoveLifeLinda
Marcia Hoeck @MarciaHoeck
Martha Giffen @MarthaGiffen
Melanie Kissell @MelanieKissell
Mike Shippey @MikeShippey
Mike Sweezy @MikeSweezy
MJ Schrader @LoveRockstar
Mynders Glover @MyndersGlover
Pamela Wynn @diyDivorceFL
Piotr Krzyzek @PiotrKrzyzek
Rob Britt @Robert_Britt
Ruthan Brodsky @RuthanBrodsky
Ryan C Cameron @RyanCCameron
Sally K @Kimbesa
Sandra Lee @TheSandraLee
Steve Sponseller @SteveSponseller
Tamara Holmes @TamaraHolmes
Tara Kachaturoff @TaraKachaturoff
Terrie Wurzbacher @TWurzbacher
Todd Temaat @ToddTemaat
Vernon Muhammed @TheHighRoad
Congratulations to everyone! We will continue to use the #blog30 hashtag when we resume the challenge on June 1. I encourage you to join, or to continue what you have started here. All of us have been able to grow our online businesses during this blog challenge, and have had more traffic and visitors than ever before. For those offering products, courses, or coaching, this has been an extremely profitable month.
Dr. Jeanette Cates, my mentor, will be hosting the challenge in June. Tell her what you would like to see during this next challenge, and leave a comment on her blog so she can get to know you. I have a feeling you’ll like what she’s going to do during June to help all of us build our online businesses even further.
WOW-WEE!! I’ve got to say, Connie, I’m blown out of the water! I didn’t have the foggiest notion that THIS MANY people would cross the finish line. In large part, I believe the success of this challenge was due to your fine leadership, expert knowledge, and desire to help others succeed. A million thanks!
Thanks for the incentive and leadership on the challenge Connie.
I think the group cohesion contributed mightily to the success of so many people and that cohesion started with your encouragement. Great to have new online friends and support.
Congratulations to everyone! We owe Connie much since she has connected so many of us together as co-followers. I’ve enjoyed getting to know many of you better through your blogs. I look forward to continuing the dialogue too. Congratulations!
{{added applause for Connie}}
Thanks for all you do in support of the entrepreneurial community, Connie.
Thanks to everyone for your comments. Remember that I promised a
special call to those who finished. It will be on Saturday, May 15, in the
morning PST. I have everyone’s name and email address, so I’ll get
those details out to you by Thursday evening. We will discuss how to
further your business goals based on this challenge.
This challenge was really magical!! Congratulations to everyone. 49 crossed the finish line, how exciting!! I’d love to know the numbers from your first 2 challenges? You are a great connector and resource Connie and I so appreciate you doing this challenge and helping us to make a goal and commit to it and see it through to the very end. 30 blog post in 30 days is no simple task and I am proud to be listed among so many successful and determined people!! Thank you so very much!! Looking forward to doing it again with everybody in June!!
I’d like to thank everyone for all the comments, feedback and inspiration. I had never received a comment until for the first one showed up 30 days ago and as of today I have 213!! That is more comments then blog posts and that thrills me more then anything!! WOW! TY so very very much!!
Wow – congratulations everyone – we achieved something amazing there. Connie – thank you so much for your vision and leadership – you are THE most special lady. Thanks too to everyone who be-friended me and gave me such amazing support – I am truly grateful and honoured by all your generosity and warmth.
Really looking forward to participating in and supporting others on the next one – bring it on!!!
Much love
Heather x
Thank you. It is an honor to be part of your circle. You have attracted a community of fantastic people — incredibly supportive and committed to success. The relationships that have developed out of this group are worth their weight in gold! Looking forward to learning more and contributing the the circle again in June. Congrats to all of us!
Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru
Hi Connie,
Why do I feel like I just ran a marathon? Out of breath but soooo glad I did it! Got some discipline behind me, learned some good blogging lessons, and met some great people. Love the way you teach, too, Connie. Very practical and useful. I’ll be paying more attention.
Thanks so much,
Add my sincere thanks and {{applause}} to all that’s been said above, Connie. You have been wonderful. I’ll definitely be sticking around you. I’m thrilled that I found you.
And Congratulations to everyone that finished. Excellent work. I’m proud of you all!
Best Wishes my new friends (and online sisters).
This was a very good exercise. I’m still writing everyday (although not in my blog)! I’m so glad to have met so many new people who are working towards the same goals 🙂
Thanks Connie and thanks to everyone else. I like seeing my name in lights 🙂
Congrats to everyone who completed the challenge! You’ll be reaping the benefits from your achievements for a long time to come.
Applause, applause!!
And kudos to you Connie, for organizing such an inspiring event. Yay you 🙂
Felicia Slattery
Congratulations to all the “bloggers” who completed this challenge! I’m proud to say that I do know a few of you. I think it goes to show that persistence pays off!