Hi, my name is D’vorah Lansky, I’m known as the Relationship Marketing Wizard. I’d like to thank Connie for having me as a Guest Blogger on her site. Connie and I met this past Spring at an Internet Marketing Seminar hosted by Bob “the teacher” Jenkins. We had some great conversations and really hit it off. I believe one of the reasons we hit it off is that we saw in one another a genuine appreciation for people and love for life.
I’ve continued to follow Connie’s work and have attended several of her Teleseminars. There is so much to learn from this brilliant woman. In addition to her exceptional training and mentoring programs, you can learn a great deal just by observing how she communicates with others.
At the event where Connie and I met, I met Nicole Dean. Nicole is also an amazing internet marketer and an expert blogger. I had been wanting to learn more about Guest Blogging and I found out that Nicole had developed a program on this topic, The Blog Tour Planner. I have found this guide to be essential as I plan and conduct my first blog tour.
When I began putting together my blog tour, I of course thought of Connie and was honored that she so enthusiastically agreed to “join in the fun”. Thus, Connie and I will be Guest Bloggers on one another’s blogs this week. If you’d like to view Connie’s blog posts and listen to a very informative interview that I did with Connie where she shared the “Ten Ways to Start Making Money Online With a Tiny List”, visit: http://blogworldtour.com/blog/posts-by-connie
So, thank you Connie for having me as a guest on your blog! This is going to be a lot of fun.
We know that Connie is a master at managing her e-mail and I believe that she is planning on sharing her tips in an upcoming course or teleseminar. On this note I would like to share a few tips with you on this topic.
Tame the E-mail Dragon and Free Up Time to Connect with People in Other Ways
Do you ever wonder what life would be like without e-mail, or at least without so much of it? I do and I remember a time when the days seemed longer, I got more accomplished, read more books, had more time to be with people and was not held hostage by my e-mail box. Let me ask you a question.
How do we reclaim our time, continue to build relationships with people we choose to connect with and cut down the amount of time we spend sending and receiving e-mail?
I have discovered that these same concerns are shared by many people across the globe! Thus I began collecting ideas, suggestions and tips on this topic and I’d like to share a few of them with you.
Utilize Your Facebook Wall as a Place to Correspond
There is much that can be accomplished by communicating via Facebook. You can leave a quick message on someone’s wall or you can send a private message to them. If you make it a habit to logon to your Facebook account regularly, you may want to leave all system e-mail on Facebook and not have it sent to your e-mail box. In this way you can prioritize your time and respond to comments and messages when you are on the system. By posting a non-confidential message on someone’s wall, you also create an opportunity for people to comment on your wall post and interact with the two of you.
~ D’vorah, CT
Segment your e-mail accounts. Use one e-mail account just for friends and family, another strictly for business communications, and a third for online purchases, newsletters, and opt-in lists. This way, you can isolate critical communications from the rest.
~ Chris, Melville, NY
Solve it once! Never look at the same e-mail twice. Make a decision to respond, forward, file, or delete it.
~ Susan, IL
Check e-mail at specific times. I suggest picking two times during the day to check e-mail and to only do it at those specified times. I would recommend avoiding the first two hours of your business day because those are the most productive hours.
~ Glenn, Connecticut
Look at the time. Awareness is the first key to making any beneficial change. Literally, clocking yourself from the beginning of an “e-mail session” to the end will bring insight for you. You can then decide if your time has been well spent, or if you are wasting it.
~ Sue, New Jersey
I hope that you have found these tips helpful. Scroll down to share your comments and your own tips for taming the e-mail dragon!
(Note: Your comments earn you points in this season’s Blog Tour Commenting and Tweeting Contest – details on the site which you can access by visiting Connie’s page on the link listed above.)
I look forward to reading your comments and getting to know you.
All the best,
D’vorah Lansky
Relationship Marketing Wizard | Author | Speaker | Educator
Excellent tips. I particularly liked the one about segmenting your email accounts. That’s makes tons of sense. I drive all of my email accounts into Outlook and then move particular emails into folders so that I am not overwhelmed by them. I have also found http://www.feedly.com a useful source for subscribing to blogs. The feeds read like a magazine and they can be categorized as well.
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your response and for sharing the feedly resource, what a fantastic idea.
I’ve found that by reclaiming my day and not being so tied into email, that I have time to accomplish much more and enjoy life more.
For our readers, as Rebecca has done, please share your input and any further suggestions that you have for taming your email dragon!
Looking forward to getting to know you and *remember* there is a commenting and tweeting contest! You get points for each. The hashtag to use when retweeting is #blogworldtour
All the best,
Hi Dvorah,
I’m going to enjoy following your whole blog tour and love what you’ve shared on Connie’s blog.
Email is such a bear and can be insidious if you let it take over, which it’s so easy to do. We live in a time where we feel like we have to respond to everything at the moment we receive it.
One key suggestion I’ll add to your list is to lessen the amount of email by unsubscribing from newsletters that no longer serve you.
Happy blog travels to you,
Hi Kim,
Great to hear from you and thrilled that you are enjoying the Blog Tour.
We are looking forward to featuring you as our special Guest Blogger in August.
Why am I not surprised that we connect with the same amazing teachers? Connie is the BEST and I am a big time fan.
Thanks for adding your tip on taming email. That is definitely a way to to prioritize the emails that we receive.
Kim, you are also a master at delegating. A question that I receive often is “how can I delegate my email to an assistant”.
Kim, (or any of our readers) how would you answer this question?
All the best,
Hi Dvorah,
It’s great if you get some of your emails off your plate, and into the hands of any assistant, but many people are very territorial about their emails, especially those that come to their personal email address, and can’t imagine someone else being involved in those.
To make the transition easier, I’d suggest creating another email address for autoresponders that are sent through your website, i.e info@ or support@.
Have those emails sent to your assistant so they can either respond, delete, or keep you updated about something that you need to address. You’ll be amazed at how just doing that will cut down on your email.
I’d love to hear other suggestions as well.
Take care, Kim
Kim, this is a great tip and one I’ve thought of putting in play for awhile. If possible, can you please share how this would work and what your assistant does with email that is perhaps something that you personally need to respond to?
If other readers have tips for taming the email dragon, please share them here!
All the best,