I just came back from Atlanta, where I spent a week with two different mentors. They both spoke at length about e-courses, where you take the content from your eBook or other writing and turn it into a class you handle completely by email. I thought about this and told them about the way I prefer to teach, using teleseminars with email follow-up.
When they showed me exactly what they are doing I decided to revisit the idea when I returned home. I am now organizing some material on writing articles, blog posts, and eBooks into an e-course that could be taught over a four to six week period. I would give assignments at the end of each lesson and the students could return what they write by email the following week. Many people, especially those who do not attend my teleseminars, may prefer to learn in this manner. Teaching online is all about making it simple for people to accomplish their goals in a way that is convenient for them.
I will provide my course to anyone who is interested as soon as it is completed. That way I can receive both testimonials and feedback before I present it to people for a fee. I’ll keep you posted on the content of this new e-course.
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