On Wednesday I leave for Las Vegas to attend Big Seminar. This is the largest, oldest, and most highly respected internet marketing event on the planet, and it will be my third time to attend. It was begun in 2002 by my mentor, Armand Morin. During the time I am there I will be bringing you live updates on who is speaking, what I am learning, and how this all relates to you and your online business.
This year I have attended 7 seminars. That may sound like a lot, but when you work from home it is important to get out and meet others who are also working on the internet. In fact, once I learned a few secrets about seminars I was able to turn them into profitable events that increased my income substantially. You can do the same thing.
Next year I will be at even more live events because my business is growing. I am having such fun with what I am doing it doesn’t really seem like work at all. I am able to have a lifestyle I truly love, and I’m surrounded by a group of intelligent, loving, and supportive people who are truly an amazing part of my life. Instead of just making enough money to pay the bills each month, I now have a business. There is a huge difference between these two things, and I finally understand it, thanks to Armand and his training.
Stay tuned for live updates from Big Seminar!
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