Building a business online is much like working towards any other goal in your life – you must have the right mindset in order to be successful. I work with small groups of people in my online courses and in my mentor program, and I see the thinking pattern that makes all of the difference. Henry Ford once said that “If you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right”. That powerful kind of self-talk keeps many from the success they want and deserve.
These are just some of the traits you must have in order to be successful. They are not things we are born with, but, instead, are learned skills that we can develop if we want to succeed badly enough. I know this because I have had to develop many of them during the past few years.
- persistence – never give up!
- discipline – even if you would rather do something else, follow through with your work each day
- belief in yourself – know that these are learnable skills, and that if someone else can do it, so can you
- punctuality – be on time to teleseminars, whether you are being interviewed or are there as a participant
- willingness to be coached and mentored – if someone else has gone before you and found a particular method to work, be open to giving it a try in your own business; get into a Mastermind group and participate fully
- positive attitude – be happy that you have this opportunity to make a good living from home; many countries still do not make it easy for their people to do this type of work
- integrity – develop a reputation for always doing te right thing with your clients and joint venture partners
- accountability – show up for scheduled calls and be accountable to those who are helping you to achieve your dreams
I feel qualified to discuss this topic, that of having the right mindset, because I had to work on each of these areas during my first year online. I blamed others for my lack of success, and became a complainer. After one year of not making a dime, I began to use some of the teachings that were being offered online and applied them to my own business. The rest, as they say, is history.
Connie, what time frame do you encourage/recommend for your mentees? Are their mile-markers along the way… to maintain optimism.