I currently earn about 45% of my income as an affiliate marketer, so this is an area where I know you can be successful. I learned early on that I had to pick and choose who I was an affiliate for, so that it would make sense for my business model. I decided that I would only recommend and promote people and products I had used personally and benefitted from. This proved to be an excellent way to build my reputation online.
All affiliates are not created equal. Some people take this part of their business more seriously than others. I make no judgments or express any opinions on this matter; I can only do what I believe is best for everyone concerned (this comes from my 4-Way Test as a Rotarian). With that said, here are the top 6 people on the internet that run a seamless affiliate program where it’s a win-win-win for everyone.
- Christina Hills
- Armand Morin
- Jeanette Cates
- Alex Mandossian
- Denise Wakeman
- Kathleen Gage
These people have been online for quite awhile and understand the importance of connecting with their affiliates. They provide training, as well as having excellent products and services that have helped tens of thousands of people to make money and build a profitable internet business. They also pay their affiliates promptly, which is something you should not have to even think about. Feel free to comment and tell us who you think should be added to this list.
I love the fact that you mentioned the presence of training as a reason to prefer some options to others.
I personally believe that so many people who “flopped” in IM could be huge successes today had they received quality training and education at some point along the way. IM may be a fine do it yourself project for some, but most could probably do better with more training.
Oooo … I love this topic. I am just beginning to get my feet wet in affiliate marketing. I believe it will be the perfect addendum and compliment to my own products and services – ESPECIALLY with just the right affiliate opportunities.
Without question, Jeanette Cates and Denise Wakeman are two of my favorite professionals. I’ve been following TheBlogSquad for a long time. Denise and Patsi have got their bloggin’ act together! Jeanette is someone I discovered fairly recently and like every ounce of who she stands for and what she has to offer. I really enjoyed a teleseminar the two of you did presented a week or so ago.
Would I add anyone to your list, Connie? Not really sure at the moment. I’m researching affiliate programs and products (as we speak) that are directly associated with my field of expertise. I’ve just met “Sheri Menelli” of the Birthing Business Institute and I’m really liking what I see from her so far. Programs like hers are few and far between. The only thing that’s a little disappointing is that she only offers her affiliates 15% in commissions.
In my heart of hearts, I KNOW you’re going to play a vital role in my success as an affiliate marketer.