I have about 75 affiliates, but only about 15 of them are active. Those people promote me regularly and receive a check or PayPal deposit every month. Are you one of them? If you are interested in signing up as an affiliate, click on the ‘Resources’ link at the top of this page and scroll all the way to the bottom.
I haven’t done the best job of training my affiliates, but that will be changing on July 1. I will hold a 30 minute training webinar on how to best promote my courses and programs. I will also give you other ideas about how to make the most out of promoting others online. Affiliate marketing is a huge part of my monthly income, so I would like for you to have that same opportunity to make some money.
You should also become an affiliate for anyone whose products or programs are ones you would recommend. This is an excellent way to get started making money online, as I did in 2006. Contact the people you know online and ask them about their affiliate program. If they are like me, they will be happy to share the details with you about how you can sign up and get started right away.
Thank you, Connie. Look forward to the webinar.