I like to think of my blog as my home on the internet. This is where people come to find out more about me and what I have to offer. Providing good information and letting readers know what courses and teleseminars I have coming up is also a top priority here. It makes sense that I would be writing a new post here on my blog almost every single day.
While I do spend quite a bit of time over on Facebook and Twitter, those are social networking sites. That means that even though I am connecting with people there and sharing tips and other valuable information, it is not helping me directly in my business. My home is here on this blog, not over on someone else’s network.
I bring this up because of a conversation that was going on in Twitter yesterday. Several people were saying that they almost never posted to their blogs anymore because they were writing everything on Twitter instead. They do not understand that in order to have a web presence you need to write things that will be indexed on Google and the other search engines. Even though your tweets are technically indexed, they will not take the place of article marketing and blogging, both of which will build your online business.
Power blogging is the name I use for the method I teach on how to build your online business. Posting to your blog every day for the first 90 days will almost guarantee that people will be able to find you easily for your keywords in your niche. Remember that your name is also a keyword, so include it first so you won’t run out of room. Blogging positions you as an expert in your niche. Blog first and then visit Twitter and Google; you will make more money and build your reputation and name recognition at the same time.
Connie, great reminder of the importance of time managing and taking time to blog. I went from twice a week blogging to once a week (plus weekly newsletter). I can see it’s time to find more balance between Twitter and Blogging from this post. Thank you!
Hi Connie
There is definitely something addictive about twitter! I missed the conversations about this, but I can understand how people are spending good chunks of time on twitter. I personally use twitter to have conversations (like going for a cuppa!) and keeping people updated about what I am doing – I have been more active on my blog recently actually BECAUSE of twitter, as I have been sending out a link to my blog updates. I think as we hear what questions and conversations are out there in twitter it will help us to be more interactive and lead to better – and sharper – content!
Great point!
I was assessing my focus going into 2009 and realized that I need to make my blog posting #1 and once that is done visit sites like Twitter and Facebook.
It’s very easy to get ‘caught up’ in the social media sites because of the instant interaction. Blogging may take some time to get traction but it’s the long-term business.
What a GREAT and timely reminder for us all, especially those of us who spend lots of time on Twitter! Thanks!
Melissa in Mel’s World
Wonderful blog post. Let me know more about your classes. Enjoy reading your ezine articles too!
Connie, this is a wakeup for me as I finalize a 90 day plan! You nailed it as you most often do. Thanks for a kick in the pants.
Great tips.
Very timely reminder as I am currently struggling with this same problem. I try to excuse it by telling myself that I have my twitter feed on my blog, but I know that’s not good enough. Time for me to start prioritizing.
You are so right, Connie! It seems that everyone is going crazy over the social networking sites and not trying to monetize their business. They don’t understand that the social networking sites are just another tool in our online arsenal.
Thanks for this post.
Thank you. You are the best. One of my favorite people online. I have learned so much from you. I update blogs daily, and it does improve my traffic. Another thing, my google adword fee’s have dropped since I am more popular now.
Connie, good point. I’m pretty new to Twitter, but I don’t think it’s a blog replacement; it’s a blog supplement. It would be an even better one if I could selectively have my tweets post to my blog(s). I’m still learning, so there might be a method. Hmmm. In fact, I just thought of a way to do it. I’ll go tweet it out.
Dan / AquarianM
Now this is exactly what I”ve been thinking. If you’re serious about building an online business and making money from marketing on the internet you can’t neglect blogs & articles.
Ouch. You stepped on my twitter toes. I needed that though. I will make this the best year ever but I get so sidetracked.
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