Article marketing needs to be a dominant force in your online business, because it serves so many purposes. I have been writing articles since 2006, and now average about one article each day. More than half a million people have now read what I have written, so you can just imagine what a positive effect this has had on my business.
Getting links back to your blog, optin pages, and other sites is probably the number one reason people get started with this marketing strategy. The major article directories have high rankings with Google and the other search engines, and a link from them back to your sites will boost you higher in the search engines for your keywords.
Another reason to write articles is to become more of an expert in your niche. The more you read, write, and research your topic, the more you will know and the easier it will be for you to become seen as an expert in your field. At some point you will be able to teach others, and that is when your business will truly take off.
I repurpose every article I write. This means that I use them as the basis of my blog posts, short reports, eBooks, e-courses, online training courses, and more. My idea begins as an article and then continues to grow over the coming days and weeks. You can also combine several articles on one topic together to give to the people on your list or to use as your free giveaway. All in all, article marketing is the best way to boost your business, no matter what your niche.
Great post, Connie! Very glad to hear that you’ve got over 500,000 article views. That’s fantastic!
I too have seen TONS of results from my own article marketing and with helping my 2,000+ clients worldwide.
One thing many of my clients often find difficult is consistent and regular article writing. I’m curious — How do you find the focus and motivation to write one new article every day?
–Jason Clegg