Article marketing is an excellent way to help your prospects to find you online. You may think that you must write articles that are similar to what you would read in trade journals and other magazines in order for this to be effective, but this is simply not the case. Writing short, succinct articles that teach the reader something about your topic are best. Writing at the high school level will also be best, and I will discuss that in further detail. Think of your writing as an opportunity for people to get to know you better and to learn more about what you have to offer.
The minimum word count on some article directories, such as Ezine Articles, is two hundred fifty words. Other sites require more words before they will accept your writing for submission. The ideal length in order to attract new prospects and clients for your business is between three hundred and four hundred words. This is the case for several reasons.
People reading online may have a shorter attention span and just want to get to the point of what they are reading. Even if they come from an academic background, they do not want to read something that takes too long or goes into that much detail. Also, many readers do not read English as their first language. Take all of this into consideration when writing on your topic.
Write in a relaxed and conversational tone. The idea is for people to get to know you better and to be able to find out more about your topic. By keeping your writing more simple you will reach more people and have more success in bring them back to your site to connect with you further.
I knew to use simple writing however, I never thought about people who are reading English as their second language. Thanks for that tip!
Also, tomorrow I will be completing the blog30 challenge. Enjoyed it and will be blogging my critique in a few 🙂 I will be giving actual stats from my site, among other things!
This is really good advice Connie – thanks so much. It’s funny but I’ve been using Dragon Naturally speaking to write my articles over the past week and “dictating” them lends itself to the conversational tone…for me at least much more than when I try to just “write” them.
Yes, great blog. I will definitely be doing a lot more “writing” of articles these days. Thanks1