Article marketing is responsible for me being able to start my online business and create the business I have today. By writing short articles you can generate traffic to your blog and other websites, build a highly targeted and responsive list, and repurpose your articles into other content to both market yourself and your business and to create many information products to sell on the Internet. I’d like to share some of my best article marketing tips with you here.
When I started out in 2006 I had no idea of how I could get visitors to my sites. It wasn’t until I started writing and submitting articles to the directories in 2007 that I began to see massive targeted traffic to all of my sites. This was an opportunity for me to try a variety of topics and approaches to what I wanted to do in my business. I had almost immediate feedback on what was working and what was not doing so well, and I could make adjustments that would make a huge difference for years to come.
As more and more people began to read my writing I began to build a list. This was the best possible type of list, because the people had just read one of my articles and were now interested in what I had to offer them. They were not strangers who had found me randomly by searching on Google or one of the other search engines. Instead, these were people who had a chance to read what I had written on my topic, clicked on the link in the resource box, and then visited my site to see if they wanted to know more about what I was doing that could help them to achieve their goals.
These article marketing tips really work. After you have written at least ten articles, start to think about the other content and products you could create. Combine several articles into a short report to give away to your list and on the social media sites, including a call to action at the end. These reports can be used to promote your own or affiliate products. This is just the beginning of how repurposing your articles will work well to build your online business.
I recommend that you repurpose everything you write for best results, so turn those articles into eBooks, audios and videos, and outlines for courses you can create on your topic. I have even written four books that all started out with the articles I wrote on the topics I am an expert in. The sky is definitely the limit as to what you can achieve.
Thanks Connie! Love how you make internet marketing so do-able! I haven’t added article marketing yet but it will happen soon.