One of my students recently asked me about choosing keywords to use when she submits her articles to sites such as EzineArticles. The most important thing to remember is that your name is a keyword, so be sure to list it first. Do this so that you will not run out of room at the end. They allow you 100 characters for your keywords and you want to make every word count.
Your other keywords should be related to the topic of your article. For example, if I am submitting an article about training my Yorkshire terrier to stop barking so much, my keywords would include ‘yorkshire terrier training’, ‘how to train your yorkshire terrier’, and ‘how to train your dog not to bark so much’. As you can see here, a keyword is typically not one word; it is a phrase that someone may type into Google when they are searching for information on your topic.
If you need more help finding the keywords that are right for your niche, use Google’s free keyword search tool. Just Google for ‘keyword tool external’ and it will come up as the first listing.
Thats great material, like your stuff, just passing to say hi!
Using my name as a keyword is a great idae. I am going to add that to my articles on Ezine articles .com