To really connect with your list and increase your online profits significantly, allow them to ask you anything. I first learned this when I was a classroom teacher. Both the students and the families wanted to know more about me, so I opened myself up to answering any and all questions. Back then it was them wanting to know my age, my marital status, and my experience in teaching, pretty much in that order.
Now my list wants to know more about how I got started online, what I did to first make money, which programs and services I am using, such as my autoresponder and shopping cart service, as well as any mentoring I pay for on a regular basis. The questions range from small ones that ask a specific question on the tactical aspects of starting an Internet business, all the way to the more strategic ones of what steps they can take to move closer to their goals. No matter what they ask me, I give them a complete and thorough answer that shows them more of who I am as a person.
You can hold regular teleseminars to answer their specific questions. This seems to work best. An interaction between you and all of your prospects allows a mastermind setting in which you are the facilitator. I always teach them more about building their Internet business during my teleseminar, but I keep the line open so they feel comfortable asking me about anything they really want and need to know.
I also use this as an opportunity to connect my prospects with each other. I have found that they enjoy meeting others with similar interests and goals, and many times they will form their own marketing groups or masterminds to implement what I am teaching. The result is a community of learners who feel comfortable asking me their questions and forming relationships with each other. Many of my students now do joint ventures with each other, and I currently have joint ventures with a few of them as well.
If you are just getting started, email your list and tell them about a personal event in your life that can be related to your niche topic. It may be a story about how you came to be working online, or how you made your first sale on the Internet. Whatever you choose to share with them, make sure they will be able to relate to the story and also be able to see themselves in your shoes. This is a wonderful icebreaker that opens the way for more in depth communication between you and your prospects.
Thanks Connie, You know, I feel like I have done quite a bit of this but over time, my sales have tapered off. Lately, people have said to me, “make it about the reader, not about you.” Is there a formula here for how much to write about yourself and how much about your readers? See
Thanks for your help Connie. I have learned a lot from you!