You can teach someone else’s program or product to build a relationship with your prospects. This works well when you are new to Internet marketing and want to build your credibility quickly. When choosing a program to teach, look for one that offers an excellent product, … [Read more...]
Local Business Marketing – How To Build An Online Business By Helping Small Service Businesses Come Online
Local small service businesses need someone to help them with their online marketing. They are caught up in the day to day activities required to keep the business running, and have little time left over to market themselves on the Internet. This is where you come in. With the … [Read more...]
The Real Secret To Building A High-Profit Internet Business
This is written by the legendary Jimmy D. Brown. My wife laughs every time she sees me doing it. At least once or twice every week, I'll be at my desk (or at the dining room table) with my Franklin Covey planner open and a stack of laminated checklists in hand. "What are you … [Read more...]
Want To Connect With Your Prospects? Publish Their Writing
Your prospects are waiting for you to reach out to them, so I am providing you with ideas on how to do this. One way to connect with the people on your list successfully is to ask them for articles, blog posts, and other writing for you to use. This gives them the opportunity to … [Read more...]
Write Short Reports And Find Brandable Reports For Massive Profits
Another way to start making money right away on the Internet is to give away brandable and other short reports. These are small reports, anywhere from about fifteen to forty pages long, that contain your affiliate links. When you are deciding what to give away to your list and … [Read more...]
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