You must lay a foundation in order to be successful online, or in any business for that matter. Many people jump right into marketing and selling products without doing this first. The result is a disappointing result that could have been done differently. Take a look at where … [Read more...]
Black Friday? How About Green Everyday Instead?
'Black Friday' is the term used to desribe the day when the retail stores are finally 'in the black' for the year. There are so many costs and expenses associated with doing business offline in the retail industry, it takes them until November to start to make profit for the … [Read more...]
My Thanksgiving Message To Everyone
As we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States, I am reminded of what I am thankful for this year. At the top of my list is my health, because I have had serious health issues during the past ten years of my life. I no longer take for granted being able to get … [Read more...]
Teaching By Candlelight – Why I Am So Thankful For My Online Students
Last night the power went out at my house. This would normally not be such a big deal, but I had a webinar scheduled to begin about twenty minutes later. I did not want to miss that opportunity to spend time with my students. I was able to phone in and connect with them on the … [Read more...]
Create Passive Income and Online Revenue With PLR
There are so many ways you can create your own product to sell online. I recommend starting with a private label rights, also referred to as PLR, product if you are just getting started online. There are many reasons for this and I will go into further detail here. My favorite … [Read more...]
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