Write down exactly what you are going to write about in your ebook and when you plan to complete your ebook. Be specific about the number of chapters and pages your ebook will have and the date by which it will be finished. Keep this information handy so that you can see it every … [Read more...]
Start a Blog While You Are Writing Your Ebook
Start a blog to go along with your ebook. This will involve your readers before your ebook is even completed. As you think of more ideas to include in your ebook, you can blog about them and get comments and feedback from people who will be potentially interested in purchasing … [Read more...]
Write About Your Passion
What do you love to do? What makes your heart sing? What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world? The answer to these question is where your passion lies. Write about what you are passionate about and the world will be yours. Look at little deeper and see what … [Read more...]
How Do I Become An Expert In My Niche?
I have a client who has just decided to write an eBook. He told me that he didn't feel qualified to write an eBook because he was not an expert in his field. After we talked for awhile he realized that he knows more about his topic - children's dentistry - than most of the people … [Read more...]
Time Management for Writers
If you are like me, there are never enough hours in the day to write as much as you would like to. You can still write articles and eBook and be successful as an author, if you learn how to manage your time well. I first learned about time management when I was in college. I had … [Read more...]