An autoresponder is an email message that is automatically generated when you sign up for someone’s list to receive a report or other free gift, or when you purchase a product or service online. For example, when you purchase a course from me, or sign up here on this blog to receive access to my free weekly teleseminars, an email is automatically sent out to you thanking you for signing up.
A day or two later, you will receive another email message. Again, this message is sent out automatically from whichever autoresponder service you use, such as 1 Shopping Cart or Aweber. It all works very smoothly, and does require that you be there personally to send out the emails to those who are interested in learning more from you or purchasing your products and services.
The confusion comes from those of you who are new to internet marketing and have never set up a series of autoresponder messages. I can remember three years ago, sitting in front of my computer, trying to figure out what to write in those autoresponder messages. It took me forever to write just one message, and even then I wasn’t sure if I was doing it correctly.
This will be the topic of one of my upcoming teleseminars, and is also included in my Inner Circle Mastermind program. Setting up an email campaign of well-written autoresponders will make the difference between success on the internet, and spending endless months trying to figure out exactly what will work for your market. I only wish someone had been able to teach me how to do it early on in my online business. Once you see the pattern of how to write and set up the autoresponder series of messages, you will be on your way to building an online empire.
Enoyed your post and bookmarked you for future reading.. Thinking of adding some of your content to my website ZestforMarketing