Infopreneurs create information products to sell online. When you are just getting started on the Internet, you may think that it is difficult to create a product to sell to others. I remember feeling that way back in 2006, but by the end of the year I had my first product ready for sale and a second one in the planning stages. This was because I developed a strategy that works well to this day, even though it has gone through a few generations of change. I outline it completely in this report on how to create an information product.
The idea is to choose a topic to teach in your niche that can be broken down into three of four lessons. Make an outline of what you will teach for each lesson, and then write a short study guide. Two or three pages each is enough for this. Then you can record your lessons as audio or webinar style. This will depend upon whether or not you need to show your screen in order to teach your information. The technology is a little more detailed with a webinar, so do it as teleseminars with audio only if at all possible.
Now you must decide if you will offer this as a live course with students attending each session, or if you will record it on your own, with no one listening live, and then sell it as a home study course. It’s all up to you.
You can then offer your course to your list, let people on Twitter and Facebook know about it, write articles, blog, and hold your own teleseminars to promote it to your prospects. Once you have done this the first time, you will be able to offer it as a bonus for your next course, as well as add it to a membership site. Your business will continue to build as you repeat this process on a regular basis.
Great summary, Connie – thank you for listing the steps to take.
I’ve been building up my products but haven’t tackled a webinar yet – thank you also for removing the pressure to do so!