I am shocked at how many people are now claiming to be online marketers. They are active on Twitter; they blog regularly; they’re on Facebook; they’re everywhere. But are they making money by marketing, or are they talking about making money with marketing? There IS a difference.
You may be tempted to sign up on their lists. You may be enticed by the free marketing information they want to give you. Resist the temptation! You want to learn marketing from those who market for a living, and not those who talk about marketing endlessly.
If you are considering getting free marketing information this way, do this first: Ask them how much money they are making online due to their marketing efforts. Making money online is about more than being active on social media sites and blogging regularly. Ask them where the sales letters are for their products. See if the products they have for sale are in any way connected to what you want to offer. More than likely they have no products and no sales letters.
A year from now you will thank me for this post. How do I know all of this? I did the same thing in 2005. I tried to learn from people who talked a good game, were nice to me online, and seemed to know much more than I did about this buisness. A year later I turned to the professionals for this training. The people I am telling you about have long since disappeared. This is your business we are talking about here – not just a fun way to spend your time.
So true! If you’re not selling something, you definitely have no business. And, if you ain’t makin’ money, you ain’t doing it right! It DOES matter who you follow. Always. Great advice Connie!