There was a cool breeze in the air today and all of a sudden I got excited about the next Big Seminar. You see, I went to Big, as it is affectionately referred to, for the first time in April. I learned so much, and have almosted doubled my monthly income based on the new information I learned there.
Big Seminar is put on by Armand Morin, one of the most intelligent guys on the internet. He is also very personable, and I stayed the day after Big Seminar was over to train with a group of about 40 people. It was truly magical, and I was surrounded by many people whose list I had been on for the past couple of years. I learned more about writing and marketing an eBook or other information product on that day than I had learned during the previous year.
Even if you can’t make it to Atlanta in October for this three day conference, be sure to sign up for the 12 remaining preview calls. There is no cost or obligation, and the calls are all informative and helpful to anyone starting an online business of any kind. If you are going to Big, let me know and I will refund 50% of my commission back to you on the last day of the event.
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