I love working online. It gives me a kind of freedom I had only dreamed of before. With this freedom comes a responsibility, I believe. I have been a Rotarian since 2006. Rotary is an international service organization. In 1985 they vowed to eradicate polio from the face of the earth. Now, thanks to several organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary is very close to achieving their goal. I am proud to be a part of this, and I look forward to being a part of a documentary film called The Last Village. This film will document the last place on our planet where people still contract polio. The last person to be vaccinated against polio in the last village will mark a turning point for mankind. I am proud to be one person who is part of something much bigger than cannot be done alone.
There are so many causes and needs in this world, sometimes it’s heartbreaking to think about. I take my hat off to you for your efforts. And for spreading the word through your work.
Hi Connie,
I was a Polio Pioneer got a little red button pin that said so back in grade school, I was part of the great polio vaccine experiment, lucky for me I got the real vaccine, not the control groups neutral stuff, no sugar cubes back then, just the needle routine, still hate shots but better than polio, it is a shame it has taken 50 years for the rest of the world be inoculated.