If you are writing an eBook, blogging regularly should be part of your overall marketing strategy for doing business on the internet. Other online writing, such as article marketing and press releases, is also important, but blogging will help you to reach more people and achieve your goals in a shorter period of time. Here are some reasons why it is so important to maintain a blog if you are doing any kind of business online.
- The search engines love blogs. Every time you write a post you have added a page of fresh content to your site. This will help you to rank above traditional websites on your topic that do not change their content regularly.
- Blogs are easier than ever to set up and maintain. You can have a blog ready to show to the world in less than an hour, and do it all yourself. This can be done easily, without having to pay for a webmaster to set it up.
- You can do anything from a blog that you can do from a traditional website. You can add pages, sell products, and present your content in new and creative ways.
- Blogging allows you to engage your readers I conversation. They can add comments or trackback to your blog, giving you even more links to add to your search engine ranking.
- Visitors to your blog may enter through any post you have written. By using your keywords naturally in your blog post titles, many more people will find you on exactly the page of your blog they are looking for. Your sidebars remain in place, so people can opt-in, look at your previous posts, or see what products and services you have available.
Blogging can become a regular part of your marketing plan and online writing strategy. I am a member of a blogging mentor group that has helped me to enjoy true success on the internet. Visit this blogging forum and see if it may be of interest to you.
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