When you are new online you may not have any testimonials from people who are pleased with your product. If this is the case, be sure to join a mastermind or other community of people who can look at your products and give you honest testimonials. This is crucial to your online success.
It is also important to give people testimonials when you truly benefit from their products, services, or programs. Last night Dr. Jeanette Cates and I hosted a two hour webinar on starting your online business. We had many people who gave us fantastic testimonials, along with permission for us to use them on our site.
Think about the books you read and the websites you go to. Do you take the time to read the testimonials? We value what others say about products and services much more than what the person who offers them tells us. Testimonials build credibility and create trust in those we wish to do business with.
Thanks very much…social proof means alot…as does the actual success w/ the product or service…
No doubt about it, testimonials are a must – especially in the world of online marketing.
I’m just beginning to learn how to create some products to market over the internet. I’ve been teaching classes in early pregnancy, preparing for labor & delivery, infant care, and breastfeeding for many years. At the end of each class, expectant couples fill out an evaluation form. I just realized the other day that I’ve got a boatload of testimonials to use as social proof!
Testimonials definitely build your credibility and trust.