Short reports can help you to connect with your prospects and to position you as an expert in your field. These reports need only be about ten to fifteen pages long, and can usually be easily completed in less than a week. The important thing to remember when choosing your topics … [Read more...]
How To Write An 'About Me' Page That Connects You With Your Prospects
Your 'About Me' page is another excellent way to market to your list and to build a relationship with them in the process. It needs to convey who you are and how you can help others to achieve their goals. If you can do this in just a few short paragraphs, your business will grow … [Read more...]
Build Credibility And Increase Your Income By Teaching Someone Else's Program
You can teach someone else’s program or product to build a relationship with your prospects. This works well when you are new to Internet marketing and want to build your credibility quickly. When choosing a program to teach, look for one that offers an excellent product, … [Read more...]
The Real Secret To Building A High-Profit Internet Business
This is written by the legendary Jimmy D. Brown. My wife laughs every time she sees me doing it. At least once or twice every week, I'll be at my desk (or at the dining room table) with my Franklin Covey planner open and a stack of laminated checklists in hand. "What are you … [Read more...]
Big Seminar 14 – Armand Morin Ends An Era In November With The Last Big Seminar
Big Seminar 14, created and run by Armand Morin, will be the last Big Seminar ever. This may not mean much to you, but for me it will mean the end of an event that changed my life completely. This was the first Internet marketing seminar, and people have traveled from around the … [Read more...]
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