Tips for Selling From the Stage Making money as an entrepreneur means that someone must buy from you (your own products and services) or through you (affiliate marketing) in order for you to make a sale. I thought it would be valuable for me to take you through this process with … [Read more...]
Public Speaking for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Public Speaking for Business I pride myself with being an observer of the human condition. By this I mean that I watch people regularly to see what works best and what does not work at all when they interact with others. Specifically, I observe what business owners and … [Read more...]
Public Speaking to Boost Your Business
Public Speaking to Boost Your Business I knew that public speaking would boost my business when I came online as an entrepreneur in 2006, but I was terrified of speaking in front of a group at that time. I soon learned that I had a classic case of glossophobia, which is the fear … [Read more...]
Public Speaking – Tips On Adding A Speaking Component To Your Business
Public speaking is the way to take your business to the next level. I had been told that if I wanted to change my life I would need to be able to speak to groups. I didn’t always understand that, but now I am seeing the light. You must think about the topic you will speak on, the … [Read more...]
Public Speaking To Connect With Your List
Public speaking can get you out in front of more people in a very short period of time. Even if you are nervous about speaking in front of a group, see it as a challenge and do it anyway. Always let your list know exactly when and where you will be speaking. This builds your … [Read more...]