There are so many ways you can create your own product to sell online. I recommend starting with a private label rights, also referred to as PLR, product if you are just getting started online. There are many reasons for this and I will go into further detail here. My favorite place to get PLR is from Jimmy D. Brown’s free site.
A private label rights product will typically sell for less than ten dollars. This is an excellent investment because all of the writing has been done. This will save you a considerable amount of time. Now you may want to do some editing and rewriting, but it is much faster and easier to do this if you have a completed eBook to begin with.
Another benefit is that the PLR products also include graphics and a sales letter. Again, you will want to change the headline and other parts of the sales letter, but starting with a completed one instead of staring at a blank page on your computer screen is always going to be easier.
Be sure to read the details of what you can and cannot do with your product. For example, the terms usually specify that you are not to give it away for free. This is to help ensure that the contents retain their value so everyone who purchases it can make some money.
By setting up a completed product as your own, you will be able to learn and understand the process that is used consistently in internet marketing. This is an extremely powerful process that can be duplicated, giving you a system to create passive income and revenue online.
PLR content is one of my tools of choice in terms of coming up with ideas and keeping the content marketing machine going.