Cultural Values in Business: Are You Developing These?
Even if you’re working from home, or from wherever you have an internet connection, you most likely have other people who are helping you with your tasks and activities as an entrepreneur. You’ll achieve greater success if you build an entrepreneurial company culture and discuss cultural values in business from day one.
I’ve been following Jon Gordon since my first days online. He is an author and speaker on the topics of leadership, culture, sales, and teamwork and he recently published a post on the topic of building a great culture within your business. Jon’s work is primarily with corporations and small businesses with a physical presence, but I strongly believe they can be applied to online entrepreneurs as well. Here is some of what he shares:
Great leaders build and drive great cultures. They know it’s their number one priority. They can’t delegate it. They must lead and be engaged in the process.
A culture of greatness doesn’t happen by accident. It happens when a leader expects greatness and each person in the organization builds it, lives it, values it, reinforces it and fights for it.
When building a team and organization you must shape your culture before it shapes you. A culture is forming whether you like it or not. The key is to identify what you want your culture and organization to stand for. Once you know the values and principles that you stand for, every decision is easy to make; including the people you recruit and hire.
This is my take on his precepts around the topic of building an entrepreneurial company culture and cultural values in business…
I agree completely with Jon about great cultures, for corporations, small businesses, and entrepreneurs being a top priority. If you think about this every day it will most certainly become a part of who you are in relation to your business. Even though my business is almost exclusively run online, I still have a team of independent contractors who make what I do each day possible. Over the years I have developed cultural values in business that include respect and acknowledgement.
I’m author and online marketing strategist Connie Ragen Green. I work with entrepreneurs to create multiple streams of online income and would love to connect with you. Pick up my Online Entrepreneur’s Blueprint and get started right away.
Connie, business culture is there whether you’re actively nurturing it or not. I can recall working for companies where the leader destroys the culture. If the leader stinks, so do the workers. In this case, it was true.
On the flipside, I’ve worked with companies that actively nurture the qualities they want in their employees. Excellence, honesty, promptness, etc.
Off to check Jon’s post.
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I know as an entrepreneur it is important for me to have cultural values for my business too. Afterall I am the leader of my business and my cultural values are experienced by everyone I come into contact with. The cultural values of business is a concept the fits both corporations and entrepreneurs.