I know it’s almost summer, but you will be glad you kept up your writing during this time. Today is day 10 of our 30 day power blogging challenge.
Power blogging is the process of blogging every day for at least 30 days to increase the content you have on your blog. This will bring you more visitors, more optins, and more comments. I like to help everyone get started with this, so just tweet me @ConnieGreen and I’ll retweet your blog post link. I have almost 16,000 followers now, so there is a good chance some of these people will be interested in your topic.
You can always ask someone to be a guest blogger for a day to give you a break from writing. You can also review a book, give tips on your niche, or use an article from an article directory to use as posts. There are so many ideas on how to get fresh new content for your blog, it’s a shame not to take advantage of them.
If you are pressed for time, write two or three posts in one sitting, and then set them to appear over a period of the next several days. I do this many times when I am very busy with another project or if I know I will be out of town.
Your blog is your home on the internet; make sure your readers have lots of great information to keep them busy when they visit your site.
Hi Connie,
Gotta admit…I’ve been so swamped with client virtual retreats that I haven’t posted daily, but, that said, I’m still going to hit my 30 in 30 days.
Thanks for the great inspiration and motivation!
Off to write my next post…
Sandy 🙂
Hi Connie,
I’m psyched, and committed. I want to join your 30 Day Blogging Challenge! I started late but I have caught up as of today. Even though my site’s still under construction, I figured it’s better to be ‘good enough” and running, rather than waiting until everything is perfect.
Thanks for your continued inspiration and guidance…
Lon the Weight Loss Sherpa
Hi Connie ,
switching blogs for this challengem will twitter you
have done 15 posts on http://abundancehighway.com, doubt that I will make 30 this coming week , but have a blog I am writing on every day that i would like to put in and should have been tweeing you:)
thanks for all that you do