Developing self confidence is a topic that seems to be discussed primarily when we are dealing with children, but I believe it is crucial to adults, particularly those wanting to become online entrepreneurs. Those who are more confident and sure of what they can do are typically the ones who achieve the highest level of success. Being able to persevere, and feel like you are always at the top of your game, will affect everything you do.
Confidence is a trait I saw regularly in children entering Kindergarten. I taught for twenty years, so I was able to make a study of this as I spent time with children of various ages over the years. A Kindergartner enters school with a thirst for knowledge and a quest for the truth about the world around them. Within a month, that confidence can either be enhanced or shattered, depending upon the circumstances and situations they encounter, both at home and at school. By the time that same child entered the third grade, it was more likely than not that they had lost most of the self-confidence they had demonstrated just a few short years before.
I compare this to the feeling most of us have when we come online to start a business. We are wide-eyed and enthusiastic. We believe that success can be ours as soon as we figure out how to set up a few key things in our business. We have dreams of changing our life and being able to accomplish goals we had forgotten about from many years ago. Our imagination runs wild as we allow ourselves to dream.
Then we hit a stumbling block in the road. Perhaps it’s the realization that the technology is more difficult than we had imagined. It might be the writing that will be required. The marketing may seem like it is just too much for us to understand and implement. In my case, it was all of these things.
That’s the point where we have to make a choice. Will we give up our dream and begin to tell ourselves that we just aren’t smart enough or good enough to pursue this path? Do we honestly believe that others can do this better than we can? Or do we persevere, spending time each day to learn something new and implement it by taking action quickly?
My self confidence was at an all time low when I came online in 2006. I made great efforts to boost myself up and work on developing self confidence I knew I deserved. The primary source of what I learned during this time and going forward has been from motivational speaker Brian Tracy.
I have read and listened to almost everything Brian Tracy has created, and his words are ingrained in my memory. He says that everything required in order to run a multi-million dollar company is a learned skill, and that each of us is capable of learning these necessary skills. He also encourages us to improve just 1% each day, in every area of our lives where we seek improvement. I always remember this when I hit another stumbling block along the way. It was also from him that I gained the self confidence to become a public speaker.
What do you think? Are you working on developing self confidence to achieve your goals, and are you willing to do whatever it takes, each and every day, in order to move closer to where you want to be?
I’m bestselling author, marketing strategist, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and I would love to connect further with you to help you to achieve your goals. If you are interested in learning how to optimize the syndication of your content, please take a look at my popular Syndication Optimization training course and consider coming aboard to increase your visibility, credibility, and profitability. I’m here to serve you!
You must have been reading my mind. I have been telling myself that this is too hard for awhile now. The negative self-talk can be dangerous, I know. Thank you for reminding me that I can do this, and to keep on moving forward.
Eric – Yes, you CAN do this. Thanks for your comment.
You are right, Connie. Developing our self confidence will definitely help us in achieving our online goals.
As this is not a very short journey, sometimes we need reminders along the way to spur us on.
Thanks for today’s inspiration.
You have nailed the confidence-indecision that takes over when we are new to Internet Marketing. Personally, I would be trotting right along one day and totally down and out a few days later over a simple misjudgment or mistake. It has taken a full year to get past that kind of behavior and self-talk, as Eric has pointed out. Of course, I could not have done any of that without your support and classes. Thank you so much.
Holly – It has been a joy to watch you grow during this past year.
Bob – I believe that the stumbling makes us stronger.
Debra – I agree completely; we must continually surround ourselves with supportive allies.
Great post, Connie – you are right on target! Self confidence is so crucial to our success in every area of our lives. Yes, you are going to stumble, (I do – a lot!) but as long as you keep getting up and deciding to keep moving toward your goals – each and every day – you will be successful. You just have to choose to act with confidence and do the things that need to be done.
Thanks for a great post!
Connie, bravo for you for bringing into the light something few entrepreneurs talk about: their self-confidence. When I came online, I recognized early on to surround myself with supportive colleagues, teachers and mentors. Being around these essential allies helped me recognize my own uniqueness, as they also shared in that 1% learning and growing that keeps a business moving forward. Goals breed self-confidence, and self-confidence breeds even bigger goals. A win-win a la Brian Tracy style. Thanks for the reminders!
This really hit me: <<>>
The technology has been one of my biggest challenges as well as the marketing aspect. This post was right on target for me and encouraging. I was just reading something by Brian Tracy today and love your comment of his about improving just 1% each day…that seems more than doable! This post inspires me once again to keep moving forward! Thank you for writing this!
Beth – Thanks so much for your comment.
Hi Connie,
Thank you for your encouraging words about self-confidence. These are the kinds of ideas that are helpful to hear again and again. Thanks for sharing your experience with us in a way that can help us grow from it too!
All I can say is BINGO! You hit the nail on the head. This seems to be the common thread I hear in my mastermind and coaching groups and something I have had to deal with all the time. The cure for me is to make sure I do something every single week to “put myself out there” such as a teleseminar, webinar or live class. Otherwise it’s too easy to hide behind the scenes.
I appreciate you Connie!
Leslie and Celene,
You are both excellent examples of what building our self-confidence can mean, both personally and professionally. Thanks so much for your comments.
Yes – and that confidence is in large part to your training!! Thank you so much, Connie!!
This is a great post, Connie. I think, sometimes, in our “over educated” world, we can lack confidence because we don’t have a degree in internet marketing. We may feel like “who are we” to teach anything when we don’t have the formal education.
Learning internet marketing is a much more “hands on” approach than some other careers. It’s important to pick out some successful people and learn what they do and how they do it.
When we begin to see some success, then our confidence level begins to rise.
You make some great and important points here. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Connie Ragen Green