This weekend I emailed my list on a Sunday afternoon. I have become accustomed to not emailing on a weekend after Saturday morning, but I’m starting my new training on Wednesday and wanted to get everyone registered. (This class is now full, but I am taking names for a waiting list.) I wrote the email and then cringed as I pressed ‘send’.
The result was overwhelming! I filled my class, made several hundred dollars, and heard back from people who were also at their computer on Sunday. I ended up feeling so good about the fact that I had sent out that email.
Most of us feel like we shouldn’t bother the people on our list. This is just silly, because your list wants to hear from you. I did have a few people unsubscribe, but these are people who are just not interested in what I’m doing online.
Instead, email your list two or three times each week with helpful information and content, invitations to your free teleseminars (yes, you should be holding a free, weekly teleseminar), short reports, and offers of what you are selling online. The people who are interested will respond, and the others will simply unsubscribe. Email marketing is the most powerful type of marketing you will do on the internet. Try this, it works!
No I haven’t been emailing my list and I need to get back to it. The one thing that stopped me and I will not let it any longer is that I thought I had to have this beautiful set up, a nice template and tons of info but doing that took so much time I stopped altogether. I need to just do it and get back to mailing my list on a consistent basis. Glad to see this post when I most needed it!
Since I’m already on your list, Connie, I’d like to say that I spend far more time at my computer on the weekends than during the week. (Have two of those yucky j-o-b-s). So I’m more likely to catch and comfortably focus on an important message, report, or teleseminar invitation on a Saturday or Sunday.
Keep the weekend emails coming!