I am noticing that some people are reluctant to make their free giveaway as good as possible. They feel that if it is free, it does not need to be very good. I believe just the opposite is true – give people a taste of how good your information is and they will want more. You are postioning yourself as an expert in your niche and want to let people who do not yet know you find that out for themselves.
Think about how the grocery stores set up the tables with free samples of some of the foods they sell. We gather around the table, eager for a free taste of something we may have never tasted before. If it is just so-so, we say thank you and continue shopping. However, if it is out of this world, we demand to know what aisle it is on so that we can take home the whole box for ourself and our family.
Whether you are giving away a short report, a chapter of your eBook, a teleseminar, or anything else, make sure it represents you well and can be seen as valuable by those willing to download it. You are never giving away the store. Instead, you are giving people a delicious taste of what you are capable of providing to them. Remember that it is always about them and what they want, not what you believe they need.
Great post! I totally agree. So many people take the “easy” way when presenting themselves for business. Thinking maybe it isn’t that big of a deal. The truth is that people/consumers are smarter than others may give them credit for. Time is money and when a subject matter expert cuts corners it can really make consumers mad and really undercut what they are doing.
Thanks for posting this today. I think a lot more people should take heed to this great advice.