Email list building is worth the time you will spend, because this will become the lifeblood of your information marketing business. Getting someone to opt in to your list is just the first step to a lucrative business that will help you to achieve your goals. You will want to think about your autoresponder sequence, the interaction you have with your prospects, and how to monetize your email list in a way that is beneficial to everyone involved.
Set up your autoresponder messages to go out once a day for the first ten days after someone first opts in. They are more excited about learning as much as they possibly can on your topic during this initial period, so you will want to make the most of this opportunity.
Connect with your prospects during this time by sharing information, tips, and links to your relevant articles and blog posts. Also include links to products and courses, both your own and affiliate, that will allow them to become customers as quickly as possible.
You may want to encourage them to leave comments on your blog and articles, as well as to connect with you on the social media sites. All of this will make a difference in how they perceive you, as well as setting you apart from other marketers.
Monetizing your list will be a natural progression over time, so get them used to clicking on your links as early in the relationship as you can. Offer a combination of high and low ticket items on a regular basis, making sure that each one will serve their needs and help them to achieve their goals. This is crucial for ongoing profitability with your list members.
Thanks, Connie – A light bulb just went here! I am on it now – adding links back to my blog and articles!
That was my biggest take away too, Donna.
Thank you, Connie!
Thanks for sharing, Julie.
Thanks for sharing some sound advice Connie!
And you definitely have to build those relationships, with your subscribers, otherwise, everything we’ve done up to that point, is a complete waste of time!
Thanks for sharing some proven ways for us to do so!
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