Email marketing is a crucial piece of the puzzle in your online business. Most of us have never written emails in this way, so it is a skill that must be learned. In fact, writing autoresponder messages that get people to take action is a form of copywriting. In order to be effective with this, you must write email copy that jumps out from the rest, speaks directly to the person reading it, and gives a call to action that makes them click. Here are some ideas on how you can do this right now.
We all receive so many emails each day that it is easy for us to just scroll through to the ones we want to read. What makes us read one email over all the others? The first thing we all look for is to see who it is coming from. Even if there is no subject line at all, if it comes from someone we want or need to hear from we will open it right away. Think about it; if your mother or spouse sends you an email without a subject line, aren’t you going to open it right away? Make sure your prospects know who you are by always using the same name each time when you write to them.
The next thing to consider is the subject line. It has been proven that people are much more likely to open an email that is personalized, so that will be something you will always want to do. Sometimes I like to mix this up by using their first name in the middle or at the end of the subject line.
The message itself should be no longer than about two hundred words, and about 65 characters across for ease of reading. Write as though you are just writing to one person instead of to everyone on your list. Go back and look at previous messages you have sent. Make sure you have included the word you more than the word I, and do not ever say many of you or all of you. Those phrases let the reader know that your message was intended for many people instead of just for them.
The greatest compliment you can receive is when someone hits reply and responds to you, thinking your message was written just to them instead of to your entire list. The goal is to reach them on a personal level so they will be more likely to click on the links you have included. Add your link three times throughout your message, so that it is easy for them to click when they are ready. I teach how to do this in my courses, so make sure you are on my list and ask me anything you want to about this topic.
Thank you, just these few simple tips are going to make a huge difference to the way I write my autoresponder messages. I’m going to take action right away and let you know how I get on.
Much love
Heather x
Thanks for sharing these tips. Just what the doctor ordered right about now.
Ditto what Heather says. I appreciate the reminders and have always had difficulties with autoresponder writing. The webinar the other night with Lisa was excellent and helped quite a bit. In fact, that’s on my list of things to do this weekend – re-watch it.
I also can’t wait until you start your course in May.
Awesome, Connie. I really like the tip about striving to write your messages as if you’re talking to ONE person. I know I’ve hit the reply button a time or two after getting messages from you. Personalization counts.
Having tons of fun participating in my first 30-day blogging challenge. Almost wish it would never end. 🙂
Ah, good advice on autoresponder messages. Must. Do. This! Can I spend 20 minutes tomorrow on one? I just discovered people get a blank message from me. Yipes!