Keyword research is critical to your success on the Internet. Everything revolves around the words that people type into Google or the other search engines when they want to find out more information on the topic they are interested in. We’ve all done this many times, whether it is to find out directions to our new dentist’s office or to learn a new way to make our favorite recipe. Once you make a study of this, you will never again do a search in the same way.
Using these specific keywords in our online businesses must become as commonplace as turning on the computer. Make a list of the words that are specific to your niche topic. When people are looking for what I do online, they type in things like ‘make money from home’, ‘how to write articles’, or ‘how to start an Internet business’. These are called keywords. You will notice that each of these keyword phrases has four or more words. These would be referred to as my long-tail keywords, because they are more specific. Phrases such as ‘Internet marketing’, ‘online marketing’, or ‘article marketing’ would be the core keywords in these searches.
The money is the tail. I have certainly found this to be true. The long-tail is a concept that teaches us to find the four, five, and six word phrases that are searched for in our niche. When I first did a study of this in 2006, I was amazed to find out what phrases people might type in when searching for something I could help them with. I was able to do this research at no cost at Google with their free tool. Just go to Google and type in ‘keyword tool’ and it will be the first one that comes up. I printed out a list of my keyword phrases and put it up next to my computer. Then I used them as my article and blog post titles, and in my forum posts. The result was that I have been able to build my business much faster than someone not using this strategy.
What about you? If you are online to make money, this technique will make that happen faster, easier, and in a bigger way than if you are just using a title that sounds good. A keyword rich title may seem a bit awkward, but it is worth it to use it anyway. You will benefit from the additional traffic you will get to your sites, and both your blog and your website will move up in the organic rankings. Also, be sure to use these words when creating anchor text. This strategy alone has made a huge difference in my bottom line.
I feel like this is true confession: This is one area that I’m still not comfortable with. I understand the logistics of using the Google keyword tool but not what to really search for. I use HitTail and have some interesting results for the long-tail keywords but they are not really what I think I can deliver the most value in. Alas, I’m confused more than not when it comes to using (or even finding) my real keywords.
I’m going to be much more aware of how I am using keywords Connie. I could focus more on getting them into my posts (not just titles) and anchor text and I will be coming up with a list of long tail keywords this week – thanks for that.
Much love
Heather from Scotland x
Thanks Connie and great reminder. Watch for an upcoming post of mine in the next day or so (and I will incorporate a link to this column) “The Case of the Missing Keyword.” (that would be me).
Bobbye Middendorf
The Write Synergies Guru
Oh and By the way, what are the tools you are finding most useful these days for keywords? Have you ever come across Spacky?
Oh Connie, this is one of those “the minister’s kids are always the ones with the worst behavior” and “the cobbler’s kids have holes in their shoes” kinds of things. Even tho I’ve been in marketing for over 25 years, I this idea often completely leaves my head when doing my own stuff.
Thank you for the bonk on the head.