I have several different coaching programs, and it seems like this summer many of my students are not doing as well as I believe they should. When I first came online I heard that the summers were always slow in terms of making money online. I was determined to continue to increase my income each month, no matter what the season. This is what I recommend:
- Continue with your business all year long. Even though I now make a mid 5 figures each month, I do not take vacations for longer than 2 weeks at a time. Most of my trips are about one week long. Taking a month or longer off from your business will set your progress back considerably.
- Keep learning. Continuing education was required in both of my previous careers – teaching and real estate – so I was already used to this. Take a class every few months to learn something new and to have a new person who will promote you later on. Some of the people who send me the most business are the ones I have studied with over the past 4 years.
- Learn from the masters. I am always learning from the handful of people who have been online for more than 10 years. Obviously they figured out how to make a million dollars long ago and then keep on doing that over and over. Someone I have now studied with for about a year is Marlon Sanders. He’s been online since the mid 90’s and knows more about marketing than just about anyone I’ve met. He even worked with Armand Morin and spoke at one of the early Big Seminars.
Marlon has a new Roundtable starting this week. He only does this about twice a year, and he’s agreed to do a special webinar for my people. You may have purchased his Writer’s Secret program last month through me, and you will also be included in this special training. I encourage you to take a look at this program and see if it fits your needs. It certainly meets my three recommendations above.
A lot of people would not reach the top if they have not learned anything from the master or from people who know their way around things. The round table or knowing things from the expert, master or professional is really important and effective since you are like reading a book or watching a video of the best. Not only that, it is not everyday that you would have the chance to sit down with a master of a certain field and tell you stuff that you need to know. In other words it is best to grab the opportunity every time it is given to you. Practically, this is what this article is all about. This is a great article with great content.
Thanks for sharing.