Did you know that you can leverage your work and life experiences into a profitable online business? Getting started online can be a daunting experience, but the truth is that you are already an expert in many areas. I found this out when I came online in 2006, and have continued to draw upon what I already knew, along with what I am learning. I think of this as making use of the many ‘crossover skills’ we bring with us when we get started online with our businesses.
The first thing you’ll want to do is to change your thinking from that of someone who is an employee or self-employed to that of an entrepreneur. I had not been around entrepreneurs, so it took some time for me to realize that I had to get creative if I was going to earn any money on the Internet. I wanted to turn my passions into profits and was ready to take action.
I knew I would have to put some systems into place and to leverage my time, my daily tasks and activities, and to build relationships from the very beginning. Doing this is what turned me into an online entrepreneur.
We all have the same 24 hours each day, so the idea is to find the hours that are best for you. I refer to these as my ‘prime time’ hours and for me they are from about six-thirty each morning until around ten or eleven each morning. I guard that time preciously as I do my writing, product creation, and planning during these hours. My family and friends know that I am available after eleven to spend time with them.
Make a schedule for yourself and stick to it so that you are constantly moving forward with your business. This schedule will most likely be very different than what you did each day while you were an employee or self-employed. I like to work in time blocks of sixty to ninety minutes each, and strive for three of these each day with breaks in between.
The activities and tasks we engage in each day for our business must be ones that are the best use of our time and talents. I found that blogging and writing articles was an excellent use of my time, so these are activities that are at the top of my list. Once I knew that I was going to be engaging in these activities on a regular basis I made outlines and templates to make it much easier for me to achieve my goals. Templatize anything you possibly can.
If you find that you are not good at doing something, find someone else to do it for you as you begin outsourcing your tasks and activities. Delegating and outsourcing will be extremely valuable to your bottom line over the years.
Relationship building must be done from the very beginning. Think back to how you used to network and connect with people before coming online to see which methods could be brought over to the Internet. My best relationship building comes from the time I spend on social media, in forums, and attending live events on a regular basis.
Monetize your online business from the very beginning. This will keep you focused on your goals as you move through each day. I teach my students to always ask ‘What’s for sale?’ as they go about their daily activities. Be patient, as it will take some time to bring it all together.
What can you incorporate from your previous working life into what you are doing now as an online entrepreneur? Spend time each week thinking about how you are utilizing your time, the tasks and activities you are engaged in, and the relationships you are building.
Thanks Connie for helping us focus on the most important tasks we are to attack as we gratefully and joyfully leap up from bed to go “work” on our entrepreneurial endeavours.
“Templatize anything you can possibly do”…okay! Will work on that one, as I realize I could save much time. Merci 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comment. It was wonderful to meet you in person.
Best of success with everything you do.
I am also a fellow philatelist!
Wow! what a great surprise! So happy to know that you appreciate and love those miniature work of art that are postage stamps 🙂 Absolutely supercalifragilisticexpialodocius! You made my day Connie! Take care and talk soon.
You offer a great reminder for us to find those blocks of time when we are most creative and productive. I’ve found that mornings are best for me to be creative and focus on detailed projects. So, I try to delay my less intensive activities until later in the day.
Thanks for the tip on creating templates for all activities – I put that on my ToDo list!
Thanks so much for your comment, Steve. Yes, I save lots of time and find I am more productive with the use of a variety of templates in my online business.
Excellent advice Connie!
And you are so right, in terms of it taking a conscious
effort to go from thinking and acting like an employee
and or self employed individual, to a problem solving,
pro-active entrepreneur.
And if you sure, we have definitely some some extremely
valuable spill over skills we bring with us, from our past offline experiences!
Thanks for reminding us, not to neglect and or totally ignore them!
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