Kiva is the world’s first person to person micro-lending website. You can make small donations, as small as $25, and help entrepreneurs to have a better life for themselves and their family. This week my friend and colleague Denise Wakeman is choosing to celebrate her 50th birthday by raising five thousand dollars in loans on Kiva. I applaud this goal and encourage you to help her achieve it.
When I decided to leave the classroom and my real estate business back in 2005, the reason was that I wanted to make a difference in the lives of people around the world. I became a Rotarian in 2006 and have been able to be involved in projects both locally and internationally. Rotary is also involved in micro-lending, so I have been familiar with this work for some time.
When you go to Kiva’s website they will have one of their entrepreneurs featured. The woman they have featured today is from Ghana. She wants to borrow $425 to help her with her clothing business and will repay this money over an 8 month period.
We are so furtunate to be living in a developed country. If this resonates with you, please help Denise to meet her goal. People are more alike than different, and I believe that entrepreneurs are similar all over the world as well.
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