It is a sad fact that almost half of the people who graduate from high school in the United States will never again read a book through to the end. More than 50% who do buy a book never make it past page 20. It goes without saying that these people are most likely not writers.
The more you read, the more your writing will improve. If you read in-depth books and articles about your area of specialization you will be even more prepared to write an ebook on the topic. It has always been said that readers are better spellers. But there is more to writing than just spelling the words correctly. Read for the joy of reading. We cannot expect people to purchase and read our ebooks if we are not regular, avid readers. Read three books on a topic and you will know enough to discuss it intelligently. Read five books and you will be able to write articles on the topic and give your own point of view. Read ten books and you will be an expert in the field and will be ready to present your own thoughts, ideas, and perspective on the topic that others will want to know more about.
That is so very true Connie. It’s so easy to become a knowledgeable expert on the topic.
I love what you say about reading 3 books and being able to discuss the topic, 5 books and being able to write on the topic and 10 books and be an expert on the topic. I’m going to write a blog post and quote you with a link back to this blog post. Hope you don’t mind.