In the spring of 2007 I had just started submitting my articles to the article directories. It seemed like a lot of work to write articles for strangers to read. I honestly could not see how this was going to build my online business. I was working with a mentor at the time and decided to take his advice about this. I challenged myself to write 100 articles in 100 days. I told everyone I knew about this so that I would be held accountable for my actions. It was not easy at first, but writing these articles changed my life and my business. Here are the 7 things I did to achieve this writing goal.
- I trusted my mentor enough to know this was good advice he was giving me. He has written more than one thousand articles over the past two years and has been very successful in his own online business.
- I made up my mind to do it. Once I believed I could do that much writing I had overcome the biggest obstacle – putting limitations on myself.
- I kept a spiral notebook with me at all times to write down my ideas. The dullest pencil will always be better than the sharpest memory. Any time I thought of something I could write an article about I made a few notes in my notebook.
- I tried to see how everything in my life could be turned into an article. I wrote about my dogs, writing articles, building an online business, being a cancer survivor, volunteering in my community – anything that I was currently experiencing or had experienced in the past.
- I made time each day to write. If I honestly did not have time to complete an article on one of the days, I would at least write down a couple of paragraphs in my notebook so I could finish it the following day.
- I made writing a priority in my life. I turned off my television, cut down on social engagements, and spent less time just hanging out, by myself or with others.
- I told everyone I knew what I was doing to involve them in the process. My friends and family were very supportive because I kept them updated on what I was writing about and how many articles I had written. When they asked to read my articles I directed them to my writing that had been published online.
So, I did write those 100 articles last spring. But it didn’t happen in 100 days – it only took me 78! You can do anything you set your mind to do and reap the benefits for years to come. Join me on my weekly teleseminars to learn how you can build an online business in a short period of time.
Connie, More than anyone else you motivate me. You seem so down to earth and your example is one I think I could follow. You empower me and I appreciate it so much.
If you can write those articles, I know I can. Here I go. Let you know when I reach each 25, first batch to be done by May 30.