After you have written your eBook, short report, or any other writing you want to sell or share online, your next step will be to convert it to PDF format. PDF stands for portable document format, and makes it easier to get your information to others through a more stable and standardized format. But converting it to PDF is just the first step.
You must then close your Word document, or whatever program you have used to write your information, and also close the PDF document you have just created. Then open up your Adobe Acrobat program and open your converted file again from here.
Once you have opened up your document, you can then set the security settings to make sure people cannot copy your eBook or other content and make changes to it. I always allow people to print out my PDF’s, but I do not allow them to make changes, or cut and paste any part of my work.
You may want to think twice before password protecting your document for someone to open it. People lose or misplace the password you give them and you will have to be ready to provide customer service when this happens. Take a look at what you have written and determine if a password is truly necessary. I am using Adobe Acrobat Standard because I do not need the additional features included in the Professional version. You can visit Adobe’s website and see what is right for your needs.
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