Writing an eBook is a great way to create credibility in your niche and build visibility on the internet, but think of your eBook as just a starting point in these areas. If you want to create passive income online, think about turning your eBook into an information product package that can sell for many years to come.
Your are a problem solver on the internet. Your eBook may do a fantastic job of solving a particular problem for someone, but you can increase your ability to problem solve, while also increasing your bottom line, by adding more content and materials to go along with your eBook.
The first thing to do is to record yourself reading your eBook. Right there you will have increased your eBook’s value by giving people a choice to digest your information visually or auditorily. Now, add some additional components and you will be on your way to having an information product that will sell for much more than the eBook along would sell for. This is the ultimate way to repurpose your information and content and create a passive income stream.
Make an outline of what other information you want to include. This may be three or four audio recordings, a workbook or journal, or any o a number of other types of audio or even video content that would make the information product even more desirable. Tips lists and checklists are also very popular.
You can then sell this as a digital or physical product, or offer people a choice of how they wish to receive it. Any way you look at it, you will do extremely well by turning your eBook into an information product package.
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