Article writing is the best way to get started with your online writing. When I first found out about article writing and marketing I believed my writing would never be good enough for others to want to read. But I just started writing and now have about 770 articles so far. Lately I have been turning these articles into short reports by combining several articles on one particular topic into a report that is anywhere from 8 to 20 pages long. This is a great way to repurpose your content. Here are some ideas for you to think about if you want to begin writing short reports.
- A short report is just a compilation of several of your articles. You may already have enough articles on your topic to put one together now.
- When combining your articles, put them in a logical and sequential order so the reader gets true value from reading it.
- Include links to affiliate products or to your own products and services throughout your report, as long as they make sense for your topic. Go to a site called Clickbank ProSearch to find affiliate products. This service costs $30 per year, but is worth every penny.
- Give lots of good examples of what you are talking about so the reader will learn as much as possible. You may want to allow some space for questions and answers at the end of each article, to more fully involve your reader in the content you are sharing. This makes your report almost like a workbook.
- Convert your document to PDF. This makes it a professional report and gives you the option of selling it or giving it away.
- Use a footer at the bottom of each page to give your name and website or blog address. Most people will print out your report, and you don’t want them to misplace a page and not remember where it came from later on.
- Make sure your short report gets into the hands and hard drives of as many people as possible. In the beginning you may want to give it away as a lead generator. If you have strategically placed affiliate links in your report you will make money over time as more people take action on what you have written about.
Writing articles to create short reports is a worthwhile way to build your list, generate leads, and increase your credibility and visibility online. I encourage you to write as many articles as possible on your niche topic, and then turn them into short reports to build your online business.
This article is exemplary of practical teaching so anyone can learn and apply the methods suggested to create reports from previously written articles. My hats off to you Connie. I am now a fan of yours as I learn and apply your recommendations to ebook writing and internet marketing.
Thank you.
Roz Trieber
These are all excellent tips, Connie, especially on giving lots of examples within the report. Good examples definitely increase the quality of the report and can turn it into a valuable learning experience for those who read it. Great post!