Joint Ventures – How to Find Joint Venture Partners
When I first joined a mentoring program back in 2008, I was asked to complete a number of tasks and activities before moving to the next level of the program. This included making a list of the people I wanted to work with in the future as part of a joint venture. My first thought at this time was that no one in their right mind would want to get involved in a joint venture with me because I lacked experience and had few, in any unique skills. In short, I had no idea how to find joint venture partners at that time.
But I completed the list anyway, imagining that something would occur during that next year that would change the way I was perceived and encourage more established marketers to reach out to me as a potential joint venture partner. This did happen, but in a way I could not have predicted at that point in time.
First and foremost, any business is a relationship business. It took me a few months to fully understand this when I was a new online entrepreneur, but once I did it was a simple and fun process to connect with people who were also building businesses on the internet. The offline world is similar, so once I began reaching out to others I made friendships and relationships. Many of these people are still friends and colleagues, so it was natural for me to think of them and them of me when it came to figuring out how to find joint venture partners.
One of my early joint venture partners was Marlon Sanders. He was already famous as an online marketer and he and I struck up our friendship at a live event hosted by Pat O’Bryan and Joe Vitale in Austin, Texas. Marlon and I were both speakers at the event, and the combination of being there in person for each other’s presentation, as well as spending time throughout the four days we were there solidified a relationship I treasure to this day.
Because Marlon was so much more experienced than I was when it came to speaking, presenting, and selling from the stage, he was able to hone in on my skills. He was the first (but certainly not the last!) person to commend me on my sales skills, and he asked me about the viral report marketing I was doing and has explained during my presentation to the group. Before that weekend was over he and I had agreed that I would create a product on this topic to share with his list. We worked out an amenable affiliate arrangement and I went home and created the training.
This is simply one example of how to find joint venture partners. In person is nice, but to this day most of what I do is online, through messaging on Skype, Messenger, or through emails. Occasionally I jump on the phone with someone, but more often than not we just exchange messages and create something to share with others that will be beneficial to all concerned.
Here is another article I’ve written on joint ventures that you may find helpful.
If you need more information on how to find joint venture partners please consider the course I created with Noel Watts on this topic.
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