I’ve been waiting for awhile now to review Dave Lakhani’s latest book, How To Sell When Nobody’s Buying (And How To Sell Even More When They Are), so when it arrived at my door yesterday I dropped everything to sit down and read it.
Dave’s book delivers on the title’s promise, and even reminded me of things I had completely forgotten about as an online marketer who is selling every day. Most of us are selling like we did years ago, but those techniques just don’t work in today’s world, and especially in this economy.
The book starts with a ‘Quick Start’ guide. This consists of five days worth of strategic actions to get your momentum going. I’ll be starting these on Monday morning, and have made two pages of notes to make sure I am on the right track for my business.
He reminds us that “money follows action”, and then proceeds to teach the readers what types of action to take. I like this ‘take responsibility and don’t make excuses’ approach to selling during any type of situation or economy. I had not heard anyone talk about Jugular’s four cycles of business, and then explain this concept in such great detail, since I began selling real estate in the 1980’s. Dave uses this as just one of his examples of how to think about what you are doing in a different way.
I first met Dave Lakhani about three months ago when he invited his followers on Twitter to an event not far from where I live. He was kind and gracious to those of us who took him up on his offer to attend that weekend. It’s that type of interaction that sets him apart from the crowd. Don’t wait; get this book today, read it immediately, and put the concepts into action.
I just bought the book, based on your review. I heard about it from Mari Smith’s site (she has a guest chapter in the book) as well. On initial inspection (I just finished reading a couple of chapters) it looks like a very practical how-to book, with lots of actionable advice for people who want to be better marketers.
BTW, I’m also reading Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Writing, which is the published book version of his famous e-book. Fascinating read. It’s right up there with Dan Kennedy’s sales letter book, and Maria Veloso’s web copywriting text.
Now if I can put into practice what I’ve been reading, I’ll be in good shape…
Thanks Connie!