Adwords is the program run by Google to help you advertise a product, service, or business. It can be yours or someone else’s. I first found out about Adwords in 2005 and have been intrigued ever since. When you Google something you will usually see small, four line ads along the right-hand side of the page. These are also called sponsored ads. You can bid on the keywords you want and your ad will be shown when someone types those keywords into Google.
That is an oversimplifiation, but it is a good place to begin. Google your own keywords (the words people may use when are searching for what you do online) and see what you find. Are other people advertising for your keywords? What types of things are they trying to sell?
Learning how to use Adwords is an important step in the online marketing process. You will be able to reach the exact people you are looking for within days or even hours, instead of waiting until they happen upon your article or blog. I will be offering training in this area during the next month or so. This will allow you to get started in an area that is a mystery to so many.
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