Last week, on my weekly mastermind call with my mentees, we were discussing social networking. When we spoke about Twitter I told them that I updated about 3 times each day, was following about 600 people, and that about 700 were following me. More were following me because I choose who to follow, and do not automatically follow everyone who follows me.
When we finished our call I thought about what we had discussed. Over the next few days I spent more time on Twitter. I searched for people to follow who would be interested in what I am doing, or would have information that would be of interest to me.
When you follow 2000 people you are stopped by the system until there are 2000 following you. I was in a dilemma; should I just keep updating with great information and wait until I was discovered? Then I found a great site where you can see who you are following and who is following you back. It makes it easy to see who you may be following that has not updated since joining. I went in and started checking out these people and have now freed up some space to follow people who are actively involved on Twitter.
Twitter can be a great way to connect with people and to share information with them. I have built my list with these people by marketing and sharing information in my niche. But you must take an active part in the conversation, or you may find that you have been unfollowed.
Thanks for this post. I didn’t know about the 2000 mark. I reached it on one of my Twitter accounts. I am gonna follow your link to the site that shows me who is following me and vice versa, and their activity. Your blog is extremely helpful. Many blessings.
Hi Connie, Plan to start writing my blogs later this week but just learning about Twitter. The above was very informative as I was unaware of the site where you could see who is following etc. I’m not sure how people determine who to follow but I agree, I’m not following everyone who is following me. There must be mutual benefit and I hope you’ll be able to get something from me as well:)