Your ‘About Me’ page is another excellent way to market to your list and to build a relationship with them in the process. It needs to convey who you are and how you can help others to achieve their goals. If you can do this in just a few short paragraphs, your business will grow exponentially.
It is natural for us to want to read about the people we are following on the Internet. When I was just starting out I found it very helpful to read more about people who were already successful online. I wanted to see if I could relate to them in any way. The ones I ended up connecting with, and ultimately spending money with, were the ones who shared something about their life that was interesting and helpful to me.
During my first year my ‘About Me’ page only had a small paragraph about me. I wasn’t sure what to write that would make a difference to anyone reading it. Over time I went back and added some more details. When I shared some information about the Rotary Club and what it means to me to be a part of it, I finally felt like people could understand more of who I was and what I stood for. I wrote about getting started on the Internet after being a classroom teacher and working in real estate for twenty years prior. That’s when they began contacting me and telling me their stories. Being able to connect with people in such a way that they are compelled to share their information with you is the best reward of all.
Start out slowly with this. Tell a little something about yourself and let it sit for awhile. Email your list and ask them what they think. Their initial reaction to what you have shared about yourself will be good feedback. Add a little more. Eventually you will have the information that best represents you and what you have to offer others. This is the page where you can show the world who you are, where you came from, and what you want to do in the future.
Read other people’s ‘About Me’ pages. See if you learn something about them you would never have known otherwise. The information there would not typically be in a blog post because it is more personal. It should engage your readers in the short run; help to enhance the know, like, and trust factor; and encourage sales in the long run. Let your prospects know what you would be like to work with and why you are different from the competition.
It’s funny you wrote on this. I just updated by About Me page using these same principles. Only problem (maybe) is that it’s too long I think. Do you agree? Win Your Local Market. Thanks for writing and the great advice.